
Under the mind’s radar

Patient: “I am trying to visualise I can trust my body to do this”
Me: That’s really interesting.
Thank you for letting me know.

This morning when you were going to have your shower, did you try to trust? 

P: No
M: Did you visualise your body trusting? 
P: No
M: Did you visualise your hand going into the water before you did it?
P: No
I guess you just put your hand into the water to see if it was good or not for you, isn’t it?
P: Yes
M: That’s exactly what happens here
I would like you to see if you can come to the sensation you are having where my hand is on your back and explore it. 

The patient has an opening and reports feeling calm.


In Amanae we go under the mind’s radar, under what we think and the thoughts we have about whatever is rising.
We don’t go with “the story” of what is happening or make “a better story” or try an “improved one”. This is normal as it is the way most of us live our lives: in our minds.

On the contrary, in Amanae, we recognize what we are thinking, the ideas appearing as part of the moment and stay within the body.

This acknowledgment and the space given to the moment including everything, allows the body / mind to have, to see itself from a different, deeper perspective which is “love” as spaciousness, acceptance, openness. 

Having a bit of distance from the painful identification of “ME & MY THOUGHTS, ME & MY PROBLEMS” the body is able to release the gluey stickiness of it.

A connection to freedom in the flesh.
The solace of the heart’s space that is always here for us.


28 – 02 – 2024






Indigestible: Emotional root causes of gut issues

My digestion was impossible for the first 45 years of my life.

My first memories have to do with severe stomach pains, struggling with severe constipation and mishaps at school due to stomach problems and diarrhoea.

These problems were often accompanied by severe headaches and insomnia. Grandma’s  milk with brandy and sugar recipe didn’t do its magic when I drank it at 10yrs old.

During my 20s I changed my diet to vegetarianism to see if it would make any changes. Then to veganism.

The improvement did not come and my body showed more and more digestive problems, vomiting, headaches, fever, poisoning, skin conditions, allergies, muscles and joints.

I continued trying different ways of eating and hundreds of supplements.

Along this path I had the opportunity to receive help from various therapies until I reached Amanae, emotional liberation, which I began to receive in 2010 and then I began to learn, interested in the rapid and profound changes that I could appreciate.

I can say that right now I feel the most comfortable I have ever felt in my body. 

This body’s digestion is normal, painless, and does what a healthy digestion is supposed to do: process what is ingested, receive the nutrition it needs and let out what is not needed.

This process, as it is, is what for so many years I couldn’t  do with my emotions and feelings.

This mind-body learned to take responsibility for processing emotions, feelings and situations that were not at all mine. That I didn’t have the capacity to process at all as a child. And doing this I assumed roles that were not my own.

As I was not able to “fix”, process or express these situations, feelings and emotions, this body kept them. They were so overwhelming that they remained trapped, blocked without being able to be “digested.”

Colloquial expressions such as having a knot, a hole, stones or butterflies in your stomach are a palpable description of the sensations that I experienced all the time and that many people experience too.

Amanae Emotional Release therapy was the click that made it possible for me to understand my body. To understand what this body/mind learned to do to protect me, to survive in the environment I grew up in and how that that was learned unconsciously was repeating as a cycle.

Emotional Release bodywork allowed me to see my digestive difficulties as the result of traumatic situations from my childhood.

The body does not need to be “fixed”, this body needs to be listened to.


22 – 02 – 2024


The body doesn’t lie. Enough of apologising

Amanae, Emotional release bodywork is not for the faint hearted.

It works better if we are at a place where we are open to see what the body wants to show us, to see ourselves naked, to feel our deepness.
If we don’t feel like it, it’s totally fine. Wherever we are is exactly where we need to be at the moment.

When the body doesn’t need to apologise it shows itself in its splendour. This can be felt as intense for some of us.
When a human animal body has the space to be without apologising it does what  human animal bodies do: smell, taste, move, cry, shout, laugh, feel anger, feel sad, feel rage, kick, hug, embrace, sing, feel happy, feel peaceful, feel joyful. Feel deeply in love and awe.

We have normalised in so many ways that what human animal bodies do is wrong, is shameful, and embarrassing.

What was that!?”, “I don’t have a clue of what just happened”, “That was quite something”, “Uuahhhhuuu, that felt like a trip!!”, “I don’t understand how that could happen”, “That wasn’t me at all”, “I can’t recognize myself”, “I haven’t felt like that ever”, “I don’t have words”

To experience the body taking up whole space, doing what it needs to, can bring sensations of freedom and lightness and also awkwardness and self-consciousness as we’ve learned to keep this inside, repressed, out of sight, even from us.

Part of me feels fine with these comments and another part of me can feel unease, like if I’ve done something terribly wrong.

This is mine: when I was growing up I felt I was too much, too intense, too loud, that I took too much space, too much attention. This is something I am continually working on. 

Sometimes it is amazing to see how fast the mind, all our layers of protection can tell us to retract, go back to the known. Feel ourselves deeply, feel fully alive can bring fears. It is incredibly touching to experience in your own body and witness the beauty of an open heart.

I am really aware the first session could be the only time I’d meet a person in this lifetime so my commitment to be present and open as fully as I am capable of, is my aim and the gift to myself.

(BTW, I don’t “DO” anything because there’s nothing that needs to be “DONE”: in this type of work you and I, we both work together consciously all the time, slowly at your own pace; breathing and being present. This allows your body to be as it needs to and shows its magic).

I come from a place in South America with huge mountains and powerful rivers, incredible sweet fruits and vibrant colours. Maybe this is also the reason I like Amanae Emotional Release bodywork, because it is truthful. It goes through the heart and touches the roots. 


01 – 02 – 2024